
[GWICC2011]STEMI治疗团队协作:如何缩短door to balloon的时间?——Prof.Aaron D. Kugelmass访谈

作者:  AaronD.Kugelmass   日期:2011/10/20 11:10:39



  International Circulation: You talked about a change in time from 120 minutes down to 56 minutes. How much of that relates to processes occurring in parallel or just learning to work faster?
  Dr Kugelmass: Very little of it was learning to work faster. I think when people always try to work faster, the reality is this makes you work slower. Part of it is processes in parallel. Part of it is setting very clear expectations: how long it should take a patient to get an EKG and make a diagnosis; how long it should take from getting an EKG and calling somebody who then will come in. I talk a lot about trust. You have doctors being woken up at home at 2am in the morning and being asked to drive through a snow storm to come to the hospital based on a different doctor or an ambulance driver’s interpretation of making a diagnosis. The cardiologist doesn’t decide to come in; the ambulance driver or the emergency room doctor decides that they need to come in. That is revolutionary.
  International Circulation: When did that happen?
  Dr Kugelmass: That happened five or six years ago and that was the key step. Mandating that people live within a certain distance and time from the hospital or stay at the hospital is another key step. It is not that they pushed the patient down the hallway faster; it was that the barriers to doing this efficiently were broken down.
  International Circulation: A lot of that is organizational. A lot of it is technological of course.
  Dr Kugelmass: Getting the EKG in the ambulance and being able to send it to a Smartphone is technological. That’s about two years old. But even before they were sending it to the Smartphone, they were still making the decision in the field.
  International Circulation: They would make the decision themselves and then call?
  Dr Kugelmass: That or they had the capacity to telefax it in, which wasn’t as efficient. Really it is changing the way we do things through organizational management.
  International Circulation: Door-to-balloon time is a great statistic but how accurate do you think it is? How strongly related is it to the final outcome of revascularization?
  Dr Kugelmass: There is good data to show that the shorter the door-to-balloon time, the better the survival rate, the better the ejection fraction, the better the preservation of myocardium. The next step is symptom-to-balloon time. If you have somebody at home waiting two hours before they call is our next challenge. We talk about continuous quality improvement; there is always something to improve upon.
  International Circulation: Do you have any ideas on how to approach something like that?
  Dr Kugelmass: That’s a public health education campaign.

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版面编辑:赵书芳  责任编辑:郭淑娟


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