
[AHA2010]有效降低危险因素,促进心血管健康——K. C. Ferdinand教授专访

作者:  K.C.Ferdinand教授   日期:2010/11/17 15:18:01



  <International Circulation>: Contemporary public health emphasizes a community-based approach to health promotion and disease prevention. What can be done to improve a community-based approach to health promotion and cardiovascular disease prevention?


  Dr Ferdinand: The reason why we look at public health approaches from the community base is because if you are going to change chronic diseases, prevention and early treatment is most important.  But treatment I do not mean drug therapy.  Early treatment can mean lifestyle modification, for instance, let’s consider hypertension: that is a field in which I have done a lot of clinical research.  The Institute of Medicine in the United States suggests that hypertension is a ‘neglected disease’; that is a term that comes from infectious disease medicine.  It is for certain that if an infectious disease has a vector, usually related to human waste, and if it is easily identified and removed, the disease would be corrected. Well, hypertension is easy to identify, the main vectors of hypertension are sedentary lifestyle which is inactivity, high salt intake, and obesity, and if those vectors are removed the disease could be corrected.  But once a person develops hypertension or high blood pressure, then often they do require drug therapy, but that is a whole different topic of conversation. The burden of hypertension really can be prevented by environmental changes related to salt or sodium in prepared food and processed food, and tackling physical inactivity and increasing obesity.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡

社区健康促进生活方式健康教育防治指南K. C. Ferdinand教授

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