
[ESC2011]心衰降心率治疗策略及降心率药物最新进展——Karl Swedberg教授专访

作者:  KarlSwedberg   日期:2011/9/1 17:49:28



Karl Swedberg  瑞典哥德堡大学

    <International Circulation>: Heart rate lowering has been a very important strategy in the management of heart failure.  What are the mechanisms of the benefit of heart rate lowering in the management of heart failure?

    Prof.Swedberg:  We don’t really know, but probably it is that there is an energy production savings where energy production is limited, potentially with various enzymes involved.  For instance, when heart rate goes up these patients cannot produce enough ATP and then result in going into heart failure.  Reduction in heart rate tilts these hearts into another situation and improves systolic function.  We have also speculated that it is the neural-hormonal bombardment directly on the myocardium but that is just speculation.  We know there is an intense sympathetic drive for sure and that is why we have thought that beta-blockers work.  Now that we have seen the results with a pure sinus node inhibitor, with no anti-adrenergic effect, that it also improves outcomes, I am much more uncertain the action of neural-hormonal antagonists may have.  Mechanistically that is where we are thinking now, saving beats will save energy.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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