


Professor Jiguang Wang gave a detailed introduction to the 2nd draft of ASIAN-CLASSIC which mainly consisted of 5 parts including introduction, AMBP lowering trials, prevention of target organ protection trials, prevention of CV events, perspectives & conclusion. All participating professors gave their valued suggestions to the draft and the modifications agreed upon are as follows:


1, The blood pressure reduction trials can be shown in two slopes in which the X is the baseline BP and the Y is the BP reduction. When we test the difference of CCBs and ACEI/ARBs in both the slope and the distribution, it should be different in the highly salt sensitive Asian patients.


2, Add reduction of BP in another column in Table 1 and a small part comparing the night blood pressure, which is more important for the occurrence of stroke.


3, Describing briefly the types/pharmacokinetics/indications of major CCBs in a table or a separate part , especially the half life and indications of different CCBs. Drug holiday or missing dose can be mentioned.

使用表格对主要钙拮抗剂(CCBs)的类型/药代动力学/适应证进行简要描述,或者将其单独分列,特别是不同CCBs的半衰期和适应证。本部分可以提及药物假期(drug holiday)或缺失剂量(missing dose)。

4, Add: “5/3mmHg 24h BP difference is very important and may account for 20% further reduction of stroke.”


5, Table 3: list BP difference and main result of trials. Test the outcome trials in Prof. Staessen’s meta-regression diagram to see if the Asian trials fit into the slope.

表3:列出血压差异和主要试验结果。使用 Staessen教授的荟萃回归分析图对试验结果进行检验,以观察亚洲试验是否与斜率吻合。

6, Add a section on tolerability including compliance and convenience of use of CCBs verses other drugs. Ankle edema happens more frequently in white and black people. Influence on heart rate by different CCBs can be mentioned to explain the difference in MI prevention. And the fact that CCBs don’t have compelling restrictions is very important.


7, Add “unless for compelling indications” in the conclusion part where CCBs are recommended as the preferred first line therapy for most hypertensive patients in Asia. Mention “preferred drug not only for single drug treatment, but also for basis of combination therapy”.









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