
[ASH2010]心衰患者利尿剂抵抗的机制及治疗策略——Clyde W. Yancy专访

作者:国际循环网   日期:2010/5/21 11:10:00


<International Circulation>: What are the mechanisms for diuretic resistance in patients with heart failure and what are the strategies to overcome diuretic resistance?


    <International Circulation>: If we have a heart failure patient who also has ischemic heart disease without the apparent symptom of angina, is there a need for revascularization in addition to heart failure treatment?


    Dr. Yancy: The important statement to make about the patient with known ischemic heart disease in the absence of angina, who also has heart failure, is that to date there are no indications to aggressively revascularize those patients. Intuitively we might think that in reduced ejection fraction, coronary heart disease, and heart failure, we should revascularize those patients but we have no evidence that it is appropriate. The evidence may ultimately demonstrate that an evidence-based medical regimen of ACEI and especially beta blockers, because of the ischemia, plus an ICD might be as good. The STITCH trial, which will probably generate primary results later this calendar year, may be able to inform in ways that we have never been able to understand before and it will be a moment of consequence when we see the data for surgical revascularization in that setting versus medical therapy with some influence of device therapy. It will be a very critical moment for us to see that data because those data will represent a change in how we practice.

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心衰患者利尿剂Clyde W. Yancy

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