
[GWICC2011]奥地利门诊患者的心脏康复治疗——Prof.Josef Niebauer访谈

作者:  Prof.JosefNiebauer   日期:2011/10/14 15:58:51



  International Circulation: Another area you have stated to be important to you is smoking cessation. This is a huge problem in China. The latest statistics indicate that 50% of men are heavy smokers and many doctors are still smokers. What is the situation with smoking in Austria and what is being done to deal with it?
  Prof Niebauer: Not enough. It is not as severe as here perhaps. Every single smoker is still one smoker too many and every smoker knows that. They do realize they are addicted otherwise why wouldn’t they stop? Why would you do something that doesn’t smell right, costs a lot of money and doesn’t make you very popular in many places? Why would you do that unless you were addicted? What should be done? What have places done that have had success, such as New York? A pack of cigarettes costs 11 dollars or 8 euros; they have banned them in public places, restaurants and parks; they make it really hard on a smoker to find a place to smoke. Plus if you always have to smoke outside and not permitted to smoke inside, it stigmatizes the habit. I have friends who are smokers. I am not against the person but I am against the action of smoking. It puts them on the spot and hopefully shows them it is something they should not do. But not only should we penalize it, we should help. We need much better smoking cessation programs to offer help to stop smoking, whether it be nicotine replacement or anti-addiction drugs, to smooth the way into a smoke-free life.

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版面编辑:赵书芳  责任编辑:郭淑娟


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