
[AHA2011]介入治疗相关问题解读——Scott Wright教授专访

作者:  ScottWright   日期:2011/11/16 19:22:40


<International Circulation>: Regarding clopidogrel, prasugrel, and ticagrelor, in the new guidelines you put in prasugrel as a first line treatment for ACS but ticagrelor is not in there. Why is that?

    <International Circulation>: What is your basic feeling of all three drugs in terms of when they should be used?   What their different indications are?  And, which ones work better than others?

    Prof. Wright:  My perspective on these drugs are not official policy of the American College of Cardiology, American Heart Association, or the guideline process.  Clopidogrel has a very strong track record and will soon be generic in the US.  It is an effective drug and works very well.  Prasugrel appeared to work a little better in the TRITON study, with an almost 2% net clinical benefit.  Prasugrel also has an advantage that it is not affected by the CYP-C219 pathway, so the people who have the alleles that make them hyporesponsive to clopidogrel will not have that risk with prasugrel.  Prasugrel was associated with a slightly higher risk of bleeding, so you have to carefully select patients for prasugrel and make sure you don’t use prasugrel in someone who has an elevated bleeding risk.  Ticagrelor was also shown to be superior to clopidogrel in several studies, with the PLATO trial being the biggest study.  I anticipate that ticagrelor, which has a more potent anti-platelet action than either prasugrel or clopidogrel, will gain a significant uptake in the US, without concern or worry about the bleeding risks of prasugrel or the hyporesponsiveness of metabolism of clopidogrel.  What we will be using in a year or two in the US is most likely that most patients will be on clopidogrel.  The second most will be on ticagrelor, while third will be on prasugrel.  All three are effective and all three work well.  I would have no hesitation in using any of them in myself or my patients, but I think that cost will drive the use and with clopidogrel going generic costs triumph everything else.  


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普拉格雷替卡格雷氯吡格雷冠脉造影和介入治疗Scott Wright

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