
[ACC2013]女性心血管健康研究——美国杜克医学院Pamela S. Douglas教授专访

作者:  P.S.Douglas   日期:2013/3/12 16:49:28



  <International Circulation>: Are there any other  hormones or factors you are looking at?


  Prof. Douglas: Estrogen seems to be the most important. Certainly the androgenic hormones increase in women post-menopausally or they are unopposed. They also increase with some of the breast-cancer adjuvant treatments. There is some emerging that there may be excess CV risk from that and certainly worsening the CV risk profile into a more androgenic lipid pattern and more metabolic syndrome. That is another area of important research and unanswered questions.


  <International Circulation>: With your work in imaging, could you talk specifically about cardiac CT and how it compares to other imaging techniques, such as MRI or echocardiography?


  Prof.  Douglas: There are a couple of areas where we have good evidence for CT. We know that the data is good at excluding disease. This is particularly useful in an emergency room setting. We have had 3 RTCs that have all stated the same thing, namely that CT provides a more efficient throughput in the ER, at no clinical cost: both time and money. That is beneficial, evidence-based view of CT that should be adopted. The three RTCs give it an evidence level of A. In the outpatient setting with stable chest pain, the evidence is not as robust. There is clearly an ability of CT to identify lesions and to risk stratify at a very granular level, more so than conventional stress testing, which is unable to detect sub-clinical lesions and non-ischemia causing lesions. These may contribute to risk stratification even if you may not be able to help in terms of revascularization.  We are performing direct head-to-head comparisons in PROMISE. That trial should provide the evidence to robustly answer your question in the stable chest-pain population. We are still enrolling and enrolling well and we hope to have answer in about a year and a half.


  <International Circulation>: There is some debate between the use of imaging and functional testing. What are your opinions on this debate?


  Prof. Douglas: That is what the PROMISE trial is all about: the randomized comparison of CT angiography versus usual stress testing. The majority of the trial is nuclear testing, which reflects current practice. We will find which one to use.



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