
[CIT2007]V支架,更适合左主干病变的治疗――P.S. Sanzgiri 教授现场访谈

作者:国际循环网   日期:2007/4/11 14:11:00


不管哪种支架放置方法,最后都需要双球囊对吻技术(kissing balloon)。我们经常需要用到双球囊对吻技术。技术的适应症只有一个标准,就是对病人对医生来说是达到目的的最佳技术。这样我只需要在主要的病变血管上放置一个支架,放置一个临时支架就可以了,关键血管一个支架解决问题。然后我再利用双球囊对吻技术扩张支架,如果如果远段血管的供血好,

《国际循环》:There are a number of two-stent approaches for treating bifurcation lesions now, including T-stenting, V-stenting, crush and its variations, and the Culotte etc. My question is how to perform those techniques to suitable patients.

P.S. Sanzgiri 教授: V stent. V stent for the large vessels, and provisional for ones whose side branch is too small. For left main (coronary artery), I always do provisional or V stent. If neither can be done, I put the patient for open heart surgery. OK?

《国际循环》:Ah, OK

P.S. Sanzgiri 教授:The kissing balloon is the final step. You always have to do kissing balloon.
Indication has only one standard, the best technique for the patient and for us. Thus I just put one stent in the main vessel, it’s provisional technique, one stent in the main vessel. Then I build up the kissing balloon, and if you have a good flow, and no critical lesion in the ostium of the branch, it’s only provisional. If it’s a very, very difficult case, and the patient begins with pain, and the side branch is clinical important, I do two stents. If you have a very big vessel, I put a V stent, but with very very few patients. Almost every time I put only one stent in the main Vessel, even for a left main and LAD. I do kissing balloon, the reason is during kissing balloon at the end of the procedure, the final kissing balloon reduces the restenosis rate. OK?
不管哪种支架放置方法,最后都需要双球囊对吻技术(kissing balloon)。我们经常需要用到双球囊对吻技术。技术的适应症只有一个标准,就是对病人对医生来说是达到目的的最佳技术。这样我只需要在主要的病变血管上放置一个支架,放置一个临时支架就可以了,关键血管一个支架解决问题。然后我再利用双球囊对吻技术扩张支架,如果如果远段血管的供血好,分支开口处没有严重病变,那么一个支架就足够了。如果病人的病情非常复杂,病人以疼痛起病且侧支循环对病人而言有重要的临床意义,那么我可能会考虑放置两个支架。如果病人的血管非常非常粗,我就放置V支架,但这种情况很少见。一般情况下我都在主要血管放置一个支架就够了,即使是左主干和前降支血管。我会选择双球囊对吻技术,因为在介入操作的最后进行双球囊对吻可以减少支架的再狭窄率。

《国际循环》: OK, thanks.



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