
[GWICC2010]经皮主动脉瓣置换术的现状与展望——Gerhard Schuler教授专访

作者:  G.Schuler   日期:2010/10/19 13:51:19



 Gerhard Schuler  德国莱比锡大学 

    <Internation Icirculation>:As a promising new treatment for patients with aortic-valve disease,what are the advantages of transcatheter aortic valve implantation(TAVI)compared with traditional surgery and conservative management? And what are the major shortcomings?


    Prof Schuler: The major advantage of a percutaneous treatment is the lack of invasiveness. We are talking about aged patients, usually above the age of eighty years, and many of these patients have associated comorbidities. Valve replacement by conventional surgery exposes these patients to considerable risk. We hope we can reduce this risk by percutaneous treatment. However, at this time, no randomized data is available and we are awaiting the publication of the results of the US PARTNER study, cohort A. 


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版面编辑:赵书芳  责任编辑:张衡


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