
[ESC 2010巅峰对话]王继光教授:哪些患者最适于接受奥美沙坦为基础的治疗?(二)

作者:  王继光   日期:2010/11/19 15:07:49



  Prof. Wang Ji Guang: When you have a patient who is untreated normally they would take 2 major classes of antihypertensive drugs. These may include calcium channel blockers and the other one is RAS blockade as well as ACE inhibitors or ARBs. You may choose one of the two major classes of antihypertensive drugs according to some basic characteristics such as age and ethnicity as the British NICE Guidelines state. So, when we have the untreated patient we would prescribe one of the two major classes of anti hypertensive drugs. In the younger patient we would prefer to use ARBs and in the slightly older patient population such as the 55-60 year old group we would prefer to prescribe calcium channel blockers. Olmesartan is one of the efficacious ARBs, which can produce a very good blood pressure reduction in hypertensive patients and so you can prescribe this drug to younger patients as the first line drug but you may also use this as a second line drug or during remission therapy when a patient has already taken a calcium channel blocker for instance such as amlodipine. Amlodipine is one of the very useful drugs for low hypertensive patients in the Eastern Asian population and so you may have a good chance to add an ARB such as olmesartan for instance to patients who have already taken a calcium channel blocker. It means that the drug olmesartan and other ARBs could be used either as monotherapy in many patients, young patients and those with target organ damage such as left ventricular hypertrophy, microalbuminuria and of course for diabetic patients


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