
[ACC2011]承前启后,继往开来——ACC主席Ralph G. Brindis教授畅谈大会亮点

作者:  RalphG.Brindis   日期:2011/4/6 17:23:39


《国际循环》: Brindis教授,你认为今年ACC会议的最突出的特点是什么?

    <International Circulation>: Last year in your acceptance speech in Atlanta you said that ACC was at a “crucial crossroads” in that patient/physician relationship was at unprecedented stress.  What was the meaning of those comments?


      Prof. Brindis:  The changing transition in our healthcare reform system has put a lot of stress on the patient/physician relationship.  Going forward we are going to be working hard to make sure we maximize the value of the patient physician relationship, often seen in a private practice environment, to be able to adapt to change patient care delivery systems, in changing physician payment systems to be able to maintain the good qualities but to be able to practice medicine in a cost effective, efficient, and integrated manner, which I personally believe will lead to higher quality of care.  These are significant stresses going on but within a 3-5 year period out healthcare system is going to be in a much better place. 


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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