
[ACC2011]承前启后,继往开来——ACC主席Ralph G. Brindis教授畅谈大会亮点

作者:  RalphG.Brindis   日期:2011/4/6 17:23:39


《国际循环》: Brindis教授,你认为今年ACC会议的最突出的特点是什么?

    <International Circulation>:  Dr. Brindis, what do you think stands out this year as the most outstanding feature of the ACC conference?

   《国际循环》: Brindis教授,你认为今年ACC会议的最突出的特点是什么?

    Prof. Brindis:  I haven’t had a chance to see all of the presentations but I think the highlight of this year’s meeting is the PARTNERS trial.  Here is a situation where we are looking for new avenues and new therapies for patients with severe aortic stenosis.  We appreciate, for example, that 30-40% of patients with aortic stenosis who have the net qualifications necessary from a clinical standpoint to undergo aortic valve replacement are not having that within the United States.  There could be lots of reasons.  One being poor recognition another patient refusal, and probably also physician concern with the risks of open-heart surgery with aortic valve replacement.  Looking at new therapy such as percutaneous aortic valve implantation (TAVI) allows for an increase in our armamentarium with which to treat patients with severe aortic valve stenosis.  The study has shown us that neither surgery wins nor interventional implantation wins.  The message for me of the PARTNERS trial is that decision making and team base care utilizing cardiovascular surgeons, interventional cardiologists, treating physicians, heart failure experts, and echo cardiographers all working as a team can make individual patients decisions in order to choose the best criteria and therapy.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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