
[ESC2011]左主干冠脉病变的治疗选择——Eeckhout 博士专访

作者:  Eeckhout   日期:2011/8/30 16:53:37


<International Circulation>: Treatment option for left main and multivessel coronary artery desease has been a hot topic for many years, the landmark SYNTAX study have provided significant implications, would you please summarize the major principle to which we should adhere when making the choice between CABG and PCI for patients with left main and multi-vessel coronary artery desease?

    <International Circulation>: Treatment option for left main and multivessel coronary artery desease has been a hot topic for many years, the landmark SYNTAX study have provided significant implications, would you please summarize the major principle to which we should adhere when making the choice between CABG and PCI for patients with left main and multi-vessel coronary artery desease?


    Dr. Eeckhout: This is a very pertinent question. The congress with again highlight this in the session on left main vascularization this afternoon. We have new vascularization guidelines that have been out now for about two years which have been made at the level of the European Society between surgeons and cardiologists and represents a common statement by these specialities. These guidelines clearly state that if you have a patients with multi-vessel disease and left main disease that you have to approach this patient in the team approach. This means that cardiologists and surgeons must sit together and look at the clinical picture of the patient, looking at the angiogram, and decide together what is the best therapeutic option for the patient. Another point is that the guidelines, for the first time, leave a window open for PCI in these patients. I would say that the previous guidelines mentioned that all these patients needed surgery, so things have changed based on the results of SYNTAX. The other point is that we now have the SYNTAX score, which is an angiographic score with the higher the score, the more complex the anatomy and the more the patient will benefit from surgical intervention.  So with this I think we have clear guidance now in that the decision can be made very early and relatively easily.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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