

作者:  胡大一   日期:2011/9/2 10:53:11



    胡大一 北京大学人民医院

    <International Circulation>:  As the chairman of the joint session of ESC and of the Chinese Society of Cardiology, could you talk a little bit about the cooperation between the two societies?


    Prof Hu:  It is very important that we start and maintain cooperation between the European and Chinese societies.  During last year’s China International Great Wall Conference on Cardiology signified the start of our cooperation with ESC.  This year in October we will continue this conference in China.  The meeting is well prepared and I believe we will have a good turnout and even more success than last year.  This year, with our collaboration with the European society, we will publish guidelines for the treatment of cardiology-related conditions starting with and edition of pocket guidelines.  We already translated the Chinese language version of the guidelines for AF.  We have sent out over 10 thousand copies already and during this year’s Great Wall Conference we intend to send out even more.  We have just recently begun to discuss with the current president of ESC in more detail about our collaboration on the guidelines, for instance how to share the database.  We are already planning to use the same format as we compile data for our registries in China in areas like hypertension, AGS, or heart failure.  In doing so we will be better equipped to compare data between China and Europe and likewise be able to share even more information.  These are the three main areas, joint sessions between our meetings, the cardiology guidelines, and data sharing, in which we plan to start the cooperation between with ESC and CSC.  The sharing of data between the two regions of the world will be especially important.

    胡大一教授:我们开始并维持欧洲和中国学会之间的合作是非常重要的。去年的中国国际长城心脏病学会议标志着我们与ESC合作的开始。今年10月,我们将在中国继续举行这一会议。本次会议已经做好了准备,我相信我们将会有很好的到场人数,甚至会比去年更为成功。今年,藉由我们与欧洲学会的合作,我们将发布心脏病学相关疾病治疗指南,从袖珍版指南开始做起。  我们已经翻译出AF指南的中文版。我们已经发出了超过1万份拷贝,且在今年的长城会议期间我们打算发出更多份。我们近期刚刚开始与ESC现任主席更详细地讨论有关我们在指南上的合作,例如如何共享数据库。我们已经计划在为我们中国诸如高血压、ACS或心力衰竭等领域的注册编译数据时采用相同的格式。这样做我们将能更好地准备好比较中国和欧洲之间的数据,同样地,甚至能够分享更多的信息。这是三个主要的领域,我们会议之间的联合会议、心脏病学指南和数据共享,在这些方面我们计划开始ESC与CSC之间的合作。世界上两个地区之间的数据共享将显得尤为重要。

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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡

ESC CSC心血管疾病预防

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