
Jaakko Tuomilehto教授谈东西方糖尿病差异与代谢综合征治疗

作者:  Tuomilehto   日期:2011/9/27 16:28:25


<International Circulation>: As we know, diabetes is associated with factors such as genetic and diet, which are different between Chinese and Westerner. Could you please to introduce characteristics of diabetes in Western country that is different from Chinese?

    <International Circulation>: As we know, diabetes is associated with factors such as genetic and diet, which are different between Chinese and Westerner. Could you please to introduce characteristics of diabetes in Western country that is different from Chinese?
    Prof. Tuomilehto: Humans, in general are very similar in terms of their liklihood of developing type-2 diabestes, with the same universal risk factors, but of course there are minor differences in terms of genetic makeup.  Some of these genetic differences may be more or less common in China compared to Europe. However, these differences alone cannot explain the differences in disease incidence.  A much stronger explanation lies with the different lifestyle habits between the two populations. In Europe, we have a much more established history of obesity whilst in China the majority of people are still relatively lean; this can be attributed to our diet and the amount of activity we are exerting.   However, I forsee this gap become more closer in the near future due to the high amount of carbohydrates in the Chinese diet combined with the rapid economic growth of China. 

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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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