
[ESC2012]普拉格雷在很多情况下优于氯吡格雷——Franz-Josef Neumann教授专访

作者:  F.J.Neumann   日期:2012/9/20 18:05:11



  <International Circulation>: The results of the TRILOGY trial were released yesterday. Could you please give us your thoughts on the trial? What are some its strengths?
Dr. Neumann: The good part is that it addresses a patient population that has thus far been understudied. It is a large trial with clear cut results. It is a negative study, as prasugrel turned out to be no more efficient than clopidogrel.
<International Circulation>:The data showed no difference in the primary end points, but a trend favored prasugrel after one year. Is there any clinical significance to this finding?
 Dr. Neumann: I think it is always difficult to interpret trial with a negative primary end point. There is always a tendency to look at sub-groups and sub-analyses to find some efficacy there. But this is just hypothesis generating. While it is an interesting finding, it needs to be shown whether this is a play of chance or a true finding that can be repeated in subsequent studies. Given that the overall primary endpoint was clearly negative, and given that there was only a weak interaction between the drug effect and the two study periods , I do not think we should make too much of it.

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版面编辑:赵书芳  责任编辑:张衡


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